
The Enchanting Melody of Nini Iris’s “Lovesong”

Nini Iris "Lovesong" Posted On
Posted By Gabriel Santos

Georgian singer-songwriter Nini Iris has shared her new single, “Lovesong.” With a familiar combination of folk and pop being expressed in the new song, the vibes and melodies sway. It’s such a beautiful ode to shared love and connection, encapsulating beautifully the feelings that falling in love brings about. The only moment the girl felt music to be not only a passion but her future profession was after an outstanding appearance on the 24th season of The Voice. Nini performed “I See Red” by Everybody Loves An Outlaw and—flipping all the chairs of the show judges with her—proved to the world that she has a powerful voice that is absolutely true to the original. Deciding to work with her idol, she became that feared contestant that was in it till the semifinal, surprising everybody with her different choice of songs mixed with such classics as Radiohead’s “Karma Police” and The Cure’s “Love Song.”

Born and raised in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, Nini had her earliest encounters with traditional Georgian folk music at home, which played a very important part in forming her musical style. The house was filled with the melodies of heritage, and that’s where Nini started. Singing at family gatherings led to singing at school events, and Nini Iris‘s natural gift began to take shape. Her original compositions shimmer and shine with emotional depth and authenticity. Nini‘s writing and composition speak of a bygone era smashed together with her personal pop sensibilities, making for a uniquely catchy blend. Every song she pens is a personal testament, filled with honesty and a link to her roots.

Before this release, Nini shared “Psycho,” a pop-folk single laced with undertones of her Georgian cultural heritage. Co-produced between Nini and Matt Chiaravalle, “Psycho” revealed her depth of lyricism and engaging melodies, with reviews of the work extolling the song for incorporating great influences from a range of musical forms and genres. Nini Iris is a music sensation in the making. She has an absolute and mesmerizing way of connecting with the audience through music, earning her thousands of fans around the globe. With every new release, her place in the world of music is cemented, and with “Lovesong,” Nini Iris comes through with raw lyrics and personal tales that, in some way, represent her music. This new single stands as a strong representation not only of her vocal ability but also of her incredibly good talent for songwriting. With the rest of her music yet to be released, Nini Iris has yet to make a massive impact in the pop and folk worlds.

Stream Nini’s “Lovesong” here:

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