
Gelida Discusses His Plans and Goals For 2023 in Exclus….

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The new year is finally here full of new resolutions, projects and of course, music! We talked with Gelida about his plans and ambitions for the new year; here’s what he said.  

Hey, 2023 is here and we’d like to know what are your hopes for this year regarding your music career?

Hi, thanks for having me!
A new year is always exciting to talk about, because you don’t really know what to expect and what’s coming your way. I have very clear ambitions and priorities for the coming year, and I really hope that 2023 will be the year where I’m going to play a lot more gigs than before. I also hope that Rever Records will have a successful year and that our talented roster will have a lot of great releases and experiences together and that The Rever Family will grow further with talented DJs and producers who want to be part of a great community and who want to contribute to each other in various ways. 


What are your top 3 resolutions for this new year?

My Top 3 resolution for the coming year is to keep pushing my productions into new heights by trying different genres and production techniques and just to keep up the work ethic I have built up over the last couple of years.  


Do you have any releases in the pipelines for the upcoming months?

There is a lot of new music scheduled for the first 7 months of 2023. I’m happy that I’m half ready with half of the releases for 2023. It gives me the freedom to be creative in new ways and push myself into different kinds of areas, where I have not spent enough time yet.  

Now, my focus is on my upcoming EP ‘Long Story Short’. In the past few weeks, the first two singles ‘Nobody Knows’ and ‘Try Again’ have been released and the complete EP will be released on January 6th, and I can’t wait to show everything I’ve been working on in the past year. This EP really shows my last year evolution both as a producer and songwriter, in collaboration with my great friend Otto Palmborg and RYBERG.  


If you could pick any event, any stage, any place: where would you like to perform in 2023?

If I could pick any festival, I would choose Tomorrowland! It’s a bit too obvious but it has always been the biggest dream and motivation for me. I love to see how Tomorrowland is reaching new heights every year, and how much it means for every established and new DJs to perform at this festival!

And following on from that, if the world was your oyster for selection, who would you like to collaborate with this new year?  

There are many artists I would LOVE to collaborate with! However, if I must choose just ONE, it should be Martin Garrix. He is an icon in the music industry, and he is one of the reasons why I got into music production years ago! 


Are there any new hobbies or activities you’d like to try in 2023?

Now, I’m really enjoying the hobbies and activities I already have in my daily routine, so I don’t have any specific thing I’m looking for. But I’m always open to trying new things! 


Are there any new skills or new gear that you’d like to implement to your studio in 2023?

There is always something that I want to improve, but it’s not a priority right now. Right now, we are talking with some different companies about different stuff, but unfortunately, I can’t share anything right now! When it comes to developing new skills, I am always hungry to learn some new techniques that will improve my mix down, even if it makes just a tiny difference…it still makes a difference! 


From a production standpoint, what would you say is the number one area you would like/need to invest time into in order to develop your production level?

For me everything can always be improved, and I don’t know which area I specifically need to prioritize, but I’m mainly focusing on improving all that I can every time I’m going into the studio. 


Any new genres you’d like to explore next year?  

I will release my first Future Bounce track next year which I’m really looking forward to! But I will 100% do some other genres I haven’t done before. 


New sub-genres come and go into fashion every year, what are your predictions for 2023?

I think Modern Old School Rave Sounds will be more popular in 2023 and I also think we haven’t seen the peak of Deep House Sounds and I can’t imagine that it will disappear in the near future. 


Besides yourself, which artists or labels should people follow this year?

I need to mention our record label Rever Records as one to look for in 2023. Our main focus is to bring attention to all the great potential we have in Denmark, when it comes to upcoming DJs and producers and, of course established artists.  

We are really trying to build a community that benefits the artist, where we help each and every artist develop their artistic brand and production skills. We have also made it our vision to help bring the Electronic music scene more to Denmark, and furthermore, we want to make Denmark a better well-known country for its Electronic Music outside the borders. When it comes to artists you should start to follow in 2023, I would recommend Trenom and Christian Meldal from The Rever Family, they have such a huge potential in my opinion, they keep surprising me with their way of thinking in regards to music production. I can tell that they have a lot of great tracks in the pipeline through Rever Records next year! so don’t hesitate to follow them on their social media or your favorite streaming service. Their music really deserves attention! 


Make a prediction for 2023 about the world or music and we’ll try and catch you this time next year to see if it came true!

I think there will be a huge new sound that will get its own popularity just like Future Rave did some years ago now. I also hope that there will be more peace in the world, which I wish for every single year.  


Do you have a message for your followers for the new year? 

A huge thanks to each and every one of you who have supported me on this journey so far! Without you, I wouldn’t be able to chase my biggest dreams! I can’t wait to show what I have been working on lately, and hopefully we will make 2023 even bigger together!  


Gelida Online 


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