
Netflix UK sign renumeration deal with Writers’ Guild of Great Britain

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A renumeration agreement has been reached between Netflix UK, the Writers Guild of Great Britain and the Personal Managers’ Association.

The deal is the first of its kind, improving the positions of UK writers working on scripted live-action series. According to the WGGB website, writers will be entitled to a fee of £17,000 for a one-off hour long show, and £15,000 for a series.

In a statement about the groundbreaking agreement, Ellie Peers, general secretary for the WGGB, shared, “For the first time in the U.K., writers working for a global streamer will have their rights enshrined in a collective trade union agreement and will enjoy improved terms and conditions. We are delighted to have reached this agreement with Netflix.”

“Local writers are core to Netflix’s success in the U.K. and we are delighted to have reached a deal,” the U.K’s Vice President of content at Netflix, Anne Mensah, added. The deal will be retroactively effective from February 1st, 2024.

Last year, the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain showed their support the strikes carried out by the Writers Guild of America with a protest in Leicester Square. The WGA disputes lasted for almost five months as they fought for residuals and restriction of artificial intelligence.

A tentative agreement was reached at the end of September, but a number of Netflix shows were delayed by the strikes. Production was halted on shows such as Stranger Things and Big Mouth, pushing their expected release dates back.

Read the WGGB statement about the new renumeration deal below.

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