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Ariel Marie’s “Just This Way” is a New Bar for Authentic Folk-pop

Ariel Marie "Just This Way" is a New Bar for Authentic Folk-pop Posted On
Posted By Gabriel Santos

New York City’s very own prodigy, Ariel Marie, 18, now releases her latest, “Just This Way.” Combining raw folk-pop melodies with striking and powerful lyrics, Ariel steps in to showcase her very special voice and vision. She currently shudders in NYU’s Music Business Program behind the handlebars of youth on her way to adulthood, yet has proven herself to be an artist who’s begun to create—with a sound that is both distinguished and riveting.

“Just This Way” is one of the finest examples of how Ariel writes from the vantage of self-affirmation and truth; lyrics like “You don’t have to like it, but I’m just this way” and “Heart of gold, mind of old” paint a picture of a girl who knows she’s got to be herself. Born into a house filled with recordings of folk greats from Joni Mitchell to Bob Dylan, one can easily draw a line connecting Ariel to the legends of folk music. All the same, Ariel’s music has evolved to become something thoroughly her own: it has the sagacity and storied elements of folk but the flow and vitality of present-day pop. Of course, Ariel’s approach—singing, writing, and playing most instruments, including guitar and banjo, herself—goes a long way toward explaining why so much of her music feels real.

“Just This Way” just burst out right after the track “Cousin of the King,” and that made Ariel sing those stories, which no other good female singer on the planet could have stopped. It seems, in fact, that a way has been opened to set Ariel out in order to become a leader in the music world with such a rare talent for mature storytelling conveyed with fine composition. Ariel Marie was found by the art of music at a tender age; it was certain that she had the talent in her singing and songwriting. She committed and devoted her life to every note sung and every word written. Ariel grew up with details about the music business as much as she grew up with details about the arts during her NYU studies.

With just five released singles under her name, Ariel Marie is just tapping up her place in music. All the while, she expresses through her music a love for the world, the elements of nature, and literature, with some kind of citizen’s appeal, using folk bases but with modern sounds. Through this, she is well linked to contemporary soundscapes and perspectives on music, placing her in a contemporary light that holds onto the essence of folk.

The single “Just This Way” is finally up on all the musical digital platforms, which beats every record in Ariel’s career. The single has attributes of both folk and alternative pop in a composition beyond generic definitions. The delivery gives a very deep personal message. Ariel is a thoughtful lyricist and an amazing composer, a hard-working artist on her way to the stars.

Listen to the track below:

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