Film News

Vince Vaughan wants to make a 'Dodgeball' sequel, says Justin Long

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Vince Vaughan wants to develop a sequel to Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Justin Long has revealed.

Speaking to, Long, who starred in the 2004 sports-comedy opposite Vaughan and Ben Stiller, said that a plan for Dodgeball 2 is in place.

“I do a podcast with my brother called Life Is Short and when we had Ben Stiller on and I asked Ben about this because I had just worked with Vince Vaughn again,” said Long.

“Vince wrote this movie, it’s like a parody of Christmas movies that I have coming out this December called Christmas With The Campbells; so I had just been around Vince a lot, and Vince had been telling me that he has this great idea for a sequel [to Dodgeball].

“I don’t know if he had yet pitched it to Ben, but I kind of set up the pitch. I felt like I should facilitate the pitch.”

Long went on to say that he would love to feature in the sequel, but that it may be slightly trickier to get Stiller onboard.

Ben Stiller in ‘Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story’. CREDIT: Getty Images

“Of course I would love to do it and I hope that it ends up happening, but I think Ben is a little… what he told me on that podcast was that he’s a little trepidatious about doing a sequel to something so beloved, something that people enjoy so much that,” he added.

“It’s very risky. You don’t wanna shit on the original,” Long continued. “You want something just as good. So I think he’s a little wary of that, of trying to recreate something that was very specific to that time, but I hope he comes around on it.

“Vince is a very convincing person, so I’m just hoping Vince can convince him with his idea. It’s a funny idea, I don’t wanna say what it is.”

Lond added: “I know Ben loves dodgeball and loves that character. I remember how much fun he had playing it. He was always laughing.

“When we got together years later to do a little mini reunion for this charity and Ben put on the moustache again I remember him talking about how how happy it made him playing White Goodman again and how much fun that character was.

“I do know that Vince has a great idea for it and it’s just a matter of getting Ben on board.”

In other Ben Stiller news, the actor was recently banned from entering Russia after he visited Ukraine to offer support during the ongoing war.

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