Film News

Netflix supports UK indie more than British broadcasters, survey reveals

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A new survey of UK indie production companies has revealed that streaming organisations like Netflix are far more supportive of their films than broadcasters.

The survey, carried out by Broadcast, revealed that UK broadcasters aren’t footing the extra costs brought in as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Costs are thought to be around 25 percent higher due to increased safety measures such as social distancing, travel, insurance and the time needed to test staff on set.

The producers surveyed said that streaming organisations like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ are the organisations they would most want to work with.

Netflix was top of the list, with 40 percent of participants saying they would like to work with the company ahead of organisations such as the BBC, for example.

Netflix user. CREDIT: Marcel de Grijs / Alamy Stock Photo

One of the producers said: “There was great over-caution by the BBC. Our commissions for the streamers were much better handled via protocols, guidance and fair financial support.”

Another added: “We no longer put any time into pursuing original commissions with U.K. broadcasters.”

At the height of the pandemic last year, Netflix launched a $100million relief fund for creatives whose work had been affected by the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

Ted Sarandos, Netflix’ chief content officer, said at the time: “The Covid-19 crisis is devastating for many industries, including the creative community. Almost all television and film production has now ceased globally – leaving hundreds of thousands of crew and cast without jobs.

“These include electricians, carpenters and drivers, many of whom are paid hourly wages and work on a project-to-project basis. This community has supported Netflix through the good times, and we want to help them through these hard times, especially while governments are still figuring out what economic support they will provide.”

He continued: “What’s happening is unprecedented…We are only as strong as the people we work with and Netflix is fortunate to be able to help those hardest hit in our industry through this challenging time.”

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